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A message from our Co-Director

In 2017, we were given a challenge by prominent members of the autism community. From their perspective, autism researchers across Quebec seemed to be working in competing silos, disconnected from real-world problems. They challenged us to work as a collective and to achieve impacts more powerful than what we could accomplish individually.


We eagerly accepted this challenge. And today, we are proud to demonstrate that those very qualities that made us appear divided—our competitiveness, our intense interest in our respective fields, and our differing areas of expertise—are in fact some of our greatest strengths. TACC uses these strengths to build capacity for our community through research, training, and engagement. 


As researchers, we are open and skeptical even of our own ideas. At our best, we recognize that humility is essential to advance knowledge. As we explored the challenge set to us by our community partners, we appreciated the idea that, for them, science is all about hope. They want to help us navigate the journey of scientific discovery, and to work together to turn hope into results. 


Our network creates the conditions that simultaneously promote discovery and accelerate translation, so that we can have transformative impact on the lives of people with autism and their families. Major knowledge gaps about autism remain in labs, clinics, classrooms, homes, and policy forums.


Connecting complementary strengths and diverse perspectives through research is the most effective way to advance knowledge and use it to empower all of us to do better in our respective areas. 


Through TACC, we have a unique opportunity to achieve collective impact, using the power of research to change lives. And we can only do this with your participation and support. 

Welcome to your network! 


Mayada Elsabbagh, PhD


Transforming Autism Care Consortium


What we do

We are currently engaging 1,000 families in integrated research across hospitals and universities

We launch open and competitive programs for trainees and professionals across sectors

We bring together researchers, professionals, decision-makers and community members in a connected and inclusive framework



Executive Committee

Scientific Committee

External Advisors



Community Engagement Committee

The Community Engagement Committee (CEC) is mandated to organize, advise on, and facilitate community engagement across Network programs and activities.



The Transforming Autism Care Consortium is a Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé thematic network.



Thank you to our generous donors: 


The Mike and Valeria Rosenbloom Foundation

The Macdonald Stewart Foundation

Become a TACC member

Benefits include grant opportunities, research and clinical training, networking, and so much more. 

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